Do air filters make a difference with allergies?

For people with allergies, scientific studies have shown that air filtration reduces these airborne allergens and can provide some relief. If you suffer from allergies and have done everything you can to reduce allergens in your home, an air filter might help. People with lung conditions such as emphysema or COPD might also consider buying an air filter, says Dr. Paul Enright, research professor of medicine at the University of Arizona.

But if you're a healthy person living in a relatively pollution-free environment, there's no need to spend the money. Just remember, Enright says, that an air cleaning system is just one of the environmental changes you can make to alleviate symptoms. There is no single right answer to dealing with allergies and asthma. Get help with drug-free methods.

What you should know before starting this treatment.

Never buy “air purifiers” that generate ozone

. According to the EPA and doctors, ozone is a respiratory irritant and, in fact, can worsen allergy or asthma symptoms. Air purifiers can help with seasonal allergies, but they may not be the most effective method.

Air purifiers only filter air in a very small space inside the house, limiting their benefits, says Dr. Apart from the immediate space or room where they are located, they will not affect small particles distributed on other levels or rooms. Air filtration is often recommended as a component of environmental control practices for patients with allergic respiratory diseases. Studies support multiple interventions, including air filtration, as methods to improve outcomes in the treatment of allergic respiratory diseases.

WHF can provide residential air filtration through the home HVAC system, PRAC, or a combination of both. Apparatus have also been developed to filter the SBZ. Air conditioning systems can create a reservoir for triggers if they are not properly maintained. Affordable, low-efficiency HVAC filters don't offer better particulate removal than the absence of a filter.

WHF with high-efficiency HVAC filtration has been shown to be more effective in reducing particulate matter than individual PRAC HEPA. A study that combined air conditioning maintenance with a high-efficiency disposable MERV 12 HVAC filter has demonstrated the clinical benefits of WHF in asthma. A study on PRAC HEPA showed a tendency to obtain clinical benefits, but their effectiveness is limited to a single room and not to the entire home. You need several placed in several rooms to take advantage of the high-efficiency WHF.

Ionic electrostatic air purifiers for rooms offer little or no benefit compared to PRAC, WHF, or HEPA. Ionic devices produce ozone, a respiratory irritant, and in one study they caused an increase in submicron particles. SBZ filtration was shown to be effective in three clinical studies. The best approach, and the most cost-effective, may be to consider “combined filtration” with high-efficiency WHF with PRAC or filtration of breathing zones in the bedroom.

After four months of use in their bedrooms, researchers discovered that HEPA air purifiers effectively reduced the concentration of dust mite particles and allergens and improved allergy symptoms. Ozone generators are devices that intentionally produce ozone and, according to manufacturers, clean the air. Second, look for an air filter. If you've tried these tactics and can't find the right relief, then it may be time to consider adding an air filter.

Air purifiers are designed to clean the air in a room by trapping allergens and returning clean, filtered air to the space. A similar study in the pediatric population found the same rate of use of air filtration (27.4%) in the homes of asthmatic children. In addition, it's important to understand their limited ability to affect the air that circulates throughout the house. Read on for expert answers about the effectiveness of air purifiers for treating allergies before you add this expensive investment to your cart.

A professional HVAC company must install a whole-house HEPA filter that is the right size for its air handling unit, in order to protect the lifespan of the equipment and ensure that air passes through the HEPA filter and not around it. They are designed for closed environments where the air is cleaned before entering the room and then vented to the outside of the building. Therefore, although there are anecdotal reports, there is little medical or scientific evidence to show that air purifiers help people with allergies. Controlling pollution and ventilation that cause allergies are more important; there is disagreement over whether filters greatly alleviate asthma in a clean, well-ventilated home.

When used in combination, these duct heating systems are called heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. It is possible to remove the particles that cause allergies caused by pets with an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter. The authors found little statistically significant improvement in total symptoms and sleep disorders associated with the use of air filters, but no improvement in nasal symptoms, medication use, or peak expiratory flow (PEF) values. In the case of filtration, little attention has been paid to the variations between different devices and no clinical comparisons have been made between the benefits of whole-house filtration (WHF) and those of portable room air purifiers (PRAC).


Becca Zlatkin
Becca Zlatkin

Devoted social media lover. Lifelong twitter guru. Infuriatingly humble twitter geek. Extreme food fan. General travel junkie. Certified zombie lover.

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